Monday, February 25, 2008
HOT: In Bed Together Hillary and Drudge
Category: News and Politics

February 25, 2008


by Tom Heneghan
The smear picture against Senator Barack Obama, which appeared on CLOSET homosexual internet mogul Matt Drudge's website, was leaked to the Clinton campaign from the offices of unelectable LOSER Hillary's supporter KHARZARIAN Jew and MEGA MOSSAD agent Rahm Emanuel.
Also in on the leak was new Hillary campaign manager lesbian in-the-closet Maggie Williams.
Reference: Drudge, a Republican operative, has direct links to a dirty tricks gang headed by two free lance journalists, Israeli MOSSAD assets and KHARZARIAN Jews Jonah Goldberg and his mother Lucianne Goldberg.
Drudge's claim to fame started when he became a faucet and co-conspirator for alleged Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr in scripting the Monica Lewinsky MOSSAD-orchestrated sex scandal as a diversion to serve the purposes of Independent Counsel Starr.
Ken Starr obstructed justice and covered up to
daddy Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton

Starr was covering up the Iran-Contra-Mena, Arkansas-America Global China-Bush-Clinton arms and narcotics trafficking evidence that, if properly pursued, would have forced alleged Independent Counsel Starr to indict both Bill and Hillary Clinton, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, along with Bush's former national security adviser Donald Gregg.
Starr did indict former Mena , Arkansas operative and the former Clinton Deputy Attorney General Webster "Web" Hubbell, not once but twice.
Hubbell was used as a patsy for a firewall to protect both the Bushes and Clintons .
Hubbell was eventually ILLEGALLY pardoned by Clinton and received a $3 MILLION under-the-table cash payment as reward for his role as the patsy and actually split the money with former Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.
Once this reporter was leaked the smoking gun documents fingering Bush and the Clintons on their ILLEGAL America Global China-Iran-Contra-Mena, Arkansas partnership, Starr immediately classified the information as "national security" and tried to resign and go to Pepperdine University.
Starr, then in a box, conspired with Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, internet mogul and homosexual in-the-closet Matt Drudge and KHARZARIAN Jew Lucianne Goldberg to disguise Starr's obstruction of justice in the Arkansas end of the investigation and transferred the investigation of the Clintons to Washington D.C. under the disguise of an alleged Chinese fund raising scandal.
This would allow Starr to remove Bush from the scope of the America Global China inquiry.
They call this in espionage jargon "a bridge crossing".
All of this was designed by Starr, Drudge, Jonah and Lucianne Goldberg to blackmail the Clintons into framing then Vice President now non-inaugurated, duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. on a bogus phone call investigation.
The Bush-Clinton criminal conspiracy wanted an appointment of a new Independent Counsel that would cover up the Bush-Clinton-Iran-Contra TREASON, along with the obstruction of justice by Starr, and frame Al Gore on a bogus phone call case that had nothing to do with the REAL Bush-Clinton Chinese TREASON.
P.S. None of this worked, of course, since elements of the Justice Department immediately opened up a criminal inquiry into the activities of none other than Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, himself.
We came very close to having the co-conspirators Clintons and Starr indicted together.
A Justice Department Special Master had recommended to Attorney General Reno that Starr be indicted, not only for a criminal conspiracy with the Clintons but his role as the UN-REGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the RED CHINESE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT.
Starr was the attorney for RED Chinese company City Steel USA, which was owned completely by the RED Chinese COMMUNIST government.
Starr was also the attorney for the Children's Defense Fund, which was tied directly to a money laundry involving a U.S. National Security proprietary account in Switzerland called AmeriTrust.
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton "…it's hard for me to imagine any other path... being part of the newly-created Children's Defense Fund,…"
Note: The Children's Defense Fund was headed by none other than First Lady Hillary Clinton, and the AmeriTrust account, which was eventually looted, was under the control of East German DVD agent and MOSSAD operative Marc Rich.
© Keystone
Marc Rich
Charged in 1983 with 65 counts of tax evasion, mail and wire fraud. Fled to Switzerland . Pardoned by President Bill Clinton in 2001, paid $100 million fine.

Rich was about to be arrested by Ambassador Leo Wanta, General Vernon Walters, then French President Francois Mitterrand, former FBI Director William Sessions, former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. and then FBI informant Vincent Foster.
LOSER Hillary with co-conspirator
MEGA ZIONIST Bibi Netanyahu
Marc Rich escaped arrest with the assistance of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and eventually was ILLEGALLY pardoned by Bill Clinton.

On the orders of the Bushes, Clintons and the Israeli MOSSAD, Foster was ASSASSINATED while in the White House basement and later had his body dumped in Fort Marcy Park.
Another Justice Department referral was pending against Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr on this matter as well.
Starr knowingly ILLEGALLY ruled Foster's assassination a suicide.
P.P.S. Starr needed to get out of his box.  So, with the assistance of the Washington Post, internet mogul CLOSET homosexual Matt Drudge and Newsweek magazine's Michael Isikoff, the sexual affair between Bill Clinton and his MEGA MOSSAD mistress Monica Lewinsky was leaked to the media.
This allowed Starr and the Clintons to get past the REAL criminal activity, which engulfed them both, and concentrate on a non-impeachable sex scandal.
Attorney General Reno, drunk on martinis 80% of the time while she was serving at her post, refused to follow up on the criminal referrals brought against the Clintons and Starr.
Israeli MOSSAD agent Monica Lewinsky, like Web Hubbell, received a massive $3 MILLION payment as a reward for operating as the diversion and the firewall.

So you see folks, KHARZARIAN Jew Matt Drudge is actually DIRECTLY in bed with his fellow KHARZARIAN CLOSET Jew Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton who denies her Jewish heritage.
CLOSET lesbian Hillary's secret lesbian lover to
her right, MAJOR MOSSAD agent Huma Abedin

to view image copy and paste url

CLOSET lesbian Hillary with her secret lesbian lover
and Matt Drudge friend,
MAJOR MOSSAD agent Huma Abedin
Homosexual in-the closet Drudge is also a personal friend of Hillary's secret lesbian lover MAJOR MOSSAD agent Huma Abedin.
They are all peas in the same pod!

Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton sits in acceptance
of the American flag DESECRATED by a
FOREIGN Israeli Star of David


. . .


from david-icke: ( ) :

Monday, 25 February 2008
Obama camp slams Clinton team on controversial photo 
But if you are proud to be an African-American, and you are not just using that to get votes when your heart is elsewhere, why is the publication of this photograph seen as a 'smear'?
Read more ...

Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Jesuit 'Black Pope' Ordered 9/11 - Claim
'Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the General of the International Military Order of the Society of Jesus, commonly known as “the Black Pope”, ordered the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, with the advice and consent of his General Staff, composed of five assistants (each representing a hemisphere and under whom are many advisory Provincials), an advisor (resembling the likes of a military commander to warn him of any faults or mistakes), and his confessor (to ease his conscience and absolve him of his many sins).'